Hemp is a short day plant which means that they only start to flower when the daylength is less than twelve hours. To get the best seed yield and largest stalks, the seeds are put in the ground early in the growing season depending on the local climate, so it has plenty of time to grow.
Hemp is a dioecious plant which means that they can be either male or female. However, in hemp production female plants as male plants do not produce seed and die earlier after they flower.
A common practices is that farmer buy specially bred seed that is monocious and include only a couple males to fertilize the females. the males will then flower, pollinate the females, and die off, while the females continue to grow and set seed.


Baxter, J. 2000. Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario. Agdex# 153/20. Available at http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/00-067.htm#fertility

Van der Werf, H.M.G. and W. Van den Berg. 1995. Nitrogen fertilization and sex expression affect size variability of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Oecologia, 103: 462–470

Small, E. and D. Marcus. 2002. Hemp: A new crop with new uses for North America. p. 284–326. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA.


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